Frequently Asked Questions






At Pasbanc we are commited to being your best way to create and manage wealth, we currently do that by enabling you to Save, Invest and Transfer easily from anywhere at anytime in the very best way possible.

Our take on saving is a patient goal-based approach where you are at liberty to save for any and all things that you care about while earning very attractive interest rates. Your savings earn this interest till the agreed upon maturity date, which when reached your funds will readily be available for withdraw or re-investemt in other goals.
We offer very attractive interest rates way above your average commercial/traditional saving institution. As far as we know, we are the best option when it comes to rewarding savers.
Well, we invest the interest bearing funds of our customers in sound, almost zero-risk avenues such as Central Bank offered treasury bill and bonds, international/corprate bonds, and in many other lucrative options such as equities and much more.
On top of that, we also operate in a lean and highly technological manner which is very cost effiecient compared to your ordinary saving institution.
Above all that, Being the best way to create and manage wealth for you is more than just a job to us, it's a calling. That's why we are exceptional, we can go all the way and a mile extra just to make it happen, things others can't do.


